Our Team

Intergirty Mortgage Captial About Us
Kelly Olivieri Gilliland & Jozel O’Donnell


We have strong relationships with our clients as well as our lenders. We remain current in the ever-changing debt and equity markets, always seeking new lender affiliations, as well as new methods for raising capital. Integrity Mortgage Capital has a vast amount of longstanding, excellent lender partnerships ranging from conventional – such as commercial banks, insurance companies and pension funds – to newer, non-traditional sources and private lenders.

We work as a team to provide the best service to our clients. Our teamwork approach has a proven track record of success year after year. Not only do we have many clients with whom we’ve worked for decades, we also receive many referrals from both our clients as well as our lending sources.

Kelly Olivieri Gilliland


Kelly Gilliland has been a commercial mortgage broker and commercial real estate broker for more than 25 years with a focus on permanent financing and construction financing as well as real estate sales.

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Jozel O’Donnell


Jozel O’Donnell has more than 15 years’ experience in banking and finance. Her background is a significant asset, which is very beneficial to the customers and clients of Integrity Mortgage Capital.